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موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع طرق مشاهدة الموضوع
قديم 25-01-2007, 08:07 AM   #1
king parrot
هاوي نشيط
الصورة الرمزية king parrot

رد: معلومات عن الامازون اليلوناب الازرق

السلام عليكم

اخى العزيز بالنسبه لليلوناب الازرق هى طيور وجدت فى بيتها البريه بهذا الشكل فى هندرواس وقام بجلبها الى الولايات المتحده الامريكيه فى ولايه فلوريدا هيورد فورين ويوجود ايضا عند امراه اسمها هايدى قليقيرا تعرضنا للنصب منها انا وبريان ايدى الكندى قام هيورد فورين بانتاج هذه الطيور بااعداد لاباس بها عن طريق معهد ابحاثه معهد فورين وايضا يوجد عند شخص فى هندرواس وشخص فى اسبانيا ولكن اغلبها تتواجد عند هيورد فورين وسوف ارفق رساله بينى وبينه عن اليلوناب الازرق وتعرضنا للنصب من هايدى قلقيرا وسعره موضح فى الرساله سعر الجوز 40000 الف دولار رغم ان هايدى باعت ذكر يلوناب ازرق 50000 الف دولار نعم يباع بغرض الانتاج ولكن ليس بشكل تجارى لا يوجد حاليا من يقوم بانتاجه سوى هيور فورين فى فلوريدا بامريكا اعداده فى العالم قليله جدا يمكن تجاوز الثلاثين

هذه نص الرساله مادار بينى وبينه
You ask me what happened with the Gallaghers. You already know what happened with them. You tried to do business with people that are not honest and they steal your money. I know that it is the same all over the world. There are bad people everywhere and there are also good people. I know it is a problem for someone so far away to know who is good and who is evil. All people look good on the internet. I have my website up for many years only with the idea of helping people that have questions about breeding parrots. It has been there as a gift for all people that wish to learn about parrots. I have never offered anything for sale on this site. The only reason that I have now put up a link to my e-mail is because I wish to stop the things like the Gallaghers did to you. Several years ago I sold a pair of Blue Mutation Yellow-napes to a man in Spain that the Gallaghers also did bad business with. He also sent them $10,000. It was a deposit on the old blue male they had. They were charging him $50,000 just for the one bird! He contacted me and found out that the male they wanted to sell him was not a good bird and too old to breed. He also found out that I was selling a complete pair for only $40,000. He bought the pair from me and asked what to do about the $10,000 that the Gallaghers owed him. My advise to him is the same as my advise to you. Make a complaint through the embassy. What they do is international fraud. You are only wasting your time in trying to contact them. They are not good people. If you wish to do business with me let me know. I never require a deposit. You must first get import permission from your government. When you have that you send it to me and I will get the export papers. When all the paper work is done and the birds are ready to ship I will send you a copy of all the documentation. It is then that I require full payment. If you are worried and wish to set up the payment in an escrow account that will clear upon me presenting documentation that the birds have been shipped, that will be okay. If you wish to come to the U.S.A. and pick up the birds and bring them back with you, that will be okay as well. You can pay me when you pick up the birds and the export papers. No one ships birds like that and waits for payment after the buyer receives the shipment. The Gallaghers agreed to that so they could rob you of your deposit.


king parrot
king parrot غير متصل  
موضوع مغلق


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